Wednesday, December 13, 2006
100 Things for my 100th Post

It seems to be a tradition in blogland to share 100 secrets about yourself when you write your 100th post! I hope you find this even a little interesting because I have had so much fun writing it! Thank you for coming to visit though - I have really enjoyed my first few months in blogland. When I originally started this, it was to be more accountable as I worked on becoming more like the Proverbs 31 woman. I really feel that I have grown spiritually and have loved the fellowship over the web.
- I became a Christian at the age of 17 or 18
- I was converted while attending a church where the minister didn't believe the Bible or in the diety of Christ!
- I was converted through reading the Bible
- I want to be a Woman who Fears the Lord
- I now attend a wonderful Bible-believing church
- Time management is a big issue for me - I am inclined to be a Martha
- I am a big fan of Flylady
- I had my driving license for 3 years before I ever drove again (I walked everywhere)
- I love reading and have piles of books throughout the house
- I think quotations can be a good way to learn from others' mistakes and experience
- My first memory is of losing a Porsche!
- I started blogging to be more accountable in my studying and thinking
- My first pet was a hamster called Holly
- Even though I was a night owl, I have worked on getting up earlier to allow myself some proper quiet time before work
- I don't have a pet at the moment
- At school and university, I used to work in a restaurant, a pharmacy and a bingo hall
- I think a proper understanding of biblical manhood and womanhood has the potential to reform family life and society
- I need to use a knife and a fork to chop raw chicken so I don't need to touch it
- After reading all the controversy about it, I have been studying Debbie Maken's "Getting Serious about Getting Married"
- I have the scary ability to remember conversations word by word
- The first book of the Bible I studied when I became a Christian was Philippians
- I might be descended from Vikings
- I believe I am both the older woman and the younger woman
- I think the smoking ban in Scotland is the best thing the Scottish Parliament has done yet
- I need to be more disciplined about my Quiet Time
- I am praying that God will work in me so that his desires for me are my desires
- I don't have any fillings in my teeth
- I love chocolate (just as long as it is Fair Trade)
- I passed my driving test on the third attempt
- I want my home to be a place of welcome and refuge for people and love having people to stay, just as so many people have allowed me to call their house home during my studies and travel
- I have just learned to play the piano with BOTH hands! At the same time!
- I love to sing and am a soprano
- I am working on developing the disciplines of quietness and solitude in my life
- I've sung live on BBC Radio 4
- I have never tried drugs or smoking
- I lead a bible study for young women
- I believe alcohol can be enjoyed in moderation by Christians
- I have started keeping a prayer diary to focus my prayer life
- I was really pleased about the Word Cloud for my life but would be worried if anyone could make one of all the things I say and think - which words would be big then?
- I can't bear to touch unglazed terracotta
- I love to learn new things
- I speak English and Spanish, and little bits of Gaelic and Hungarian
- I am a hospital physician specialising in diabetes
- I am good at Su Doku but hopeless at cryptic crosswords
- I am quite nervous about the idea of putting my photo up on the Internet
- I have incredibly vivid dreams
- I am surprised by the number of complete strangers who have found this blog and by the number who have become friends!
- Occasionally I even sleepwalk!
- I hope chivalry will come back into society but I worry that the quest for gender sameness means that it never will
- My mother instilled a great love (and pedantry) of correct grammar and spelling in me
- At school, I once came second in a big debating competition with a speech based on this quote
- I've never watched the "Star Wars" films and think there is probably no point starting now
- I still don't know what is happening next year - praise God that he is in control!
- My watch runs about 5 minutes early to make sure I am on time
- My favourite novels are probably Pride and Prejudice and Harry Potter
- I would love to do jury duty but have never been called
- When I was little, I wanted to be a princess
- My love languages are 'Physical Touch' and 'Quality Time'
- I am thankful every day for all my girlfriends and sisters in Christ
- If you Google my full name, I'm the only person who comes up
- One of my favourite passages of Scripture is Isaiah 43
- I cry pretty easily at sad films and books
- I am called to be a steward of the gifts I am given here, but I know that my true treasure is in Heaven
- I was a vegetarian for 10 years before someone made me roast beef for dinner and I was too embarrassed to tell them!
- I had never heard of Reformation Day before this year
- I still only eat red meat occasionally
- I believe in the Five Solas
- I am allergic to nickel
- I am taking part (slowly) in Callapidder Days' Fall into Reading challenge
- I can't stand spiders and use the Dyson to get rid of them
- I believe, wherever we are and whatever we do, we are all full-time Christian workers
- My favourite psalms are 16 and 73
- I can become so ungrateful and take so many things for granted, so it has been so good to think of the many good and perfect gifts with which I am blessed
- I belong to a denomination that only sings psalms in church
- My favourite hymn currently is "In Christ Alone"
- My favourite carol is "O Come, O Come, Emmanuel"
- The most number of people I have ever cooked for on my own is 40
- I've known for a while that I would want to give up work once I had had children, but now I am wondering whether my job is compatible with a happy marriage even before children
- I haven't quite decided what I think about homeschooling
- I'd like to go to Florence and Rome on my next holiday abroad
- I know that I am a sinner but also that, by his grace and his sacrifice on the cross, it is Christ alone who saves me
- I was in the local newspaper while I was at school - the headline was "Keziah's looking for a good reaction!" (I'd won a chemistry competition!)
- I am making more of an effort to buy my food locally to reduce pollution
- I would love to go sky-diving even though the thought terrifies me
- I hope to spend some time doing medical mission abroad
- The only bone I have broken is the little toe of my right bone - little bone, but it hurt!
- I am from Scotland, where Andrew is the patron saint
- I'm the eldest child
- I worry about the rise of secular fundamentalism
- I had my portrait drawn by a street artist in Paris but it didn't really look like me!
- The most influential people in my life are probably a pastor and his wife from the first evangelical church I went to
- I'm going to take some time this year to pray for my pastors and their wives
- I can't do anything in the morning until I have had a cup of tea
- My nativity scene stays up all year
- My daily commute is about 2 hours one way
- I don't like secrets (but I am good at keeping them) so just ask if you want to know anything else!
Labels: miscellaneous
Considering you are scared to put your own photo up, you have given alot of yourself in this post.
But you really need to buy a camera and take pictures yourself, your car, and a veiw from the train. (You don't really own that VW Beatle.)
I really enjoyed this post:). When I got to the bit about the spiders I remembered that I have a huge one behind my curtain that I haven't yet worked out how to kill! It has been there since last night.
I am amazed that you commute so far. That must be extremely tiring.
I recently read "Getting Serious about Getting Married", and so have two of my friends! We all like it in some ways, as a lot of what it says seems very true to us. However, we are not sure about all her points.
Thank you for sharing!! God bless you!
Love your post. All of your 100 things really shows how important your relationship with God is to you.
Jonny - I have made sure that is stuff that really couldn't be Googled to find me unless you were a criminal mastermind! It's not like I have put my bank details up! ;-)
I really will have to get a digital camera and promise to take lots of pictures then. It was quite scary to see just how much I resemble that picture though...
Sadly, the Beetle is not mine, but I wish it was. Isn't it gorgeous?
Sherrin - how can you surf the internet knowing there is a giant spider in your room??? Are you not worried that it will come and get you???
I'm enjoying "Getting Serious about Getting Married". I agree that she has a lot of good points but sometimes goes too far. My personal favourite is when she asks her date, "What kind of eunuch are you?" Can you imagine asking anyone that?!?
Bride of Christ and Bernadine - thank you so much for visiting! I'm glad you enjoyed a list of random facts about a complete stranger and one of my most frivolous posts but that, by his mercy, God was glorified through it!
I liked reading this post.What is the reason your denomination only sings psalms in church?
Robert - thanks for visiting!
We only sing psalms and paraphrases of the Bible because of the Regulative Principle. I don't know a huge amount about it, but the core is that only what God has specifically instituted is allowed in worship. This contrasts with the more common "Normative Principle", which allows anything that is not specifically prohibited in Scripture as long as there is general agreement in the Church.
I love singing the psalms for many reasons. They are words that have been sung by believers for thousands of years. They encapsulate every situation from rejoicing to devastation and abandonment, while remembering that God is mighty over all these things. Singing them is also a really good way to get to memorise a whole book of the Bible.
It's not to say that I don't like singing hymns but I think the psalms deserve a special place in worship, whereas more usually now they are often forgotten about.
Any other thoughts?
Oh, I love these "100 things about me" posts! Yours was fun to read. :)
Thanks for taking the time to link this post on my ”Hooray for 100” link exchange! I do appreciate it!
Congrats on reaching 100 posts!
P.S. I'm amazed that you don't own a T.V.! Good for you!
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