Thursday, August 17, 2006
Consider Your Ways: Question 6
What is the most helpful new way you could strengthen your church?
Maybe I am cheating a little on this one as it is not something I am going to start doing, but I hope this counts as I have just started it and really want to focus on it this year! Just recently the elders in my church asked me to start a Bible study group for young women. There is definitely a void in that area, but I was surprised (and delighted) to be asked to lead it.
We have just started meeting together and have started by studying the idea of biblical womanhood together. I thought we should know and understand the basics first before moving on to consider other issues.
It has been such a blessing to meet together. These are young women who yearn to be women after God's own heart, who want to aspire to godly womanhood, who want to be courted by godly men, who want to raise God-fearing families. Some of the girls are still in university, some have jobs (with some in senior positions in high-powered jobs too), yet it has been so interesting to see that God has indeed placed these desires within all of our hearts! Society's teaching of "gender sameness" is being rejected by these young women. Instead there is the recognition of the equality of men and women as people made in his image, but with different roles and responsibilities.
Please pray for us as you read this, that it might be a blessing to me and to these young women to delve into Scripture for this teaching and for us as together we try to become women who fear the Lord.
The precepts of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart;
Maybe I am cheating a little on this one as it is not something I am going to start doing, but I hope this counts as I have just started it and really want to focus on it this year! Just recently the elders in my church asked me to start a Bible study group for young women. There is definitely a void in that area, but I was surprised (and delighted) to be asked to lead it.
We have just started meeting together and have started by studying the idea of biblical womanhood together. I thought we should know and understand the basics first before moving on to consider other issues.
It has been such a blessing to meet together. These are young women who yearn to be women after God's own heart, who want to aspire to godly womanhood, who want to be courted by godly men, who want to raise God-fearing families. Some of the girls are still in university, some have jobs (with some in senior positions in high-powered jobs too), yet it has been so interesting to see that God has indeed placed these desires within all of our hearts! Society's teaching of "gender sameness" is being rejected by these young women. Instead there is the recognition of the equality of men and women as people made in his image, but with different roles and responsibilities.
Please pray for us as you read this, that it might be a blessing to me and to these young women to delve into Scripture for this teaching and for us as together we try to become women who fear the Lord.
The precepts of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart;
the commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes.
Psalm 19:8
Labels: bible study, biblical womanhood, consider your ways
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