Friday, December 22, 2006
Consider Your Ways: Question 29
If those who know you best gave you one piece of advice, what would they say? Would they be right? What will you do about it?
I do sometimes I would get overwhelmed with everything I have to do. I've been feeling a bit like that recently. Work is crazily busy and I have to work every second weekend. The way doctors are trained is being changed in August so there is a lot of uncertainty about our job situation for next year - they are expecting 20,000 doctors to be unemployed in the UK! Already many of my friends have moved to Australia and New Zealand because they can't get work here. I'm not entirely sure what my future holds at all so I am trying to see this as an exciting, rather than a terrifying and unsetlling, time!
I shared this with a close friend and sister in Christ. She has only just been introduced to the wonderful writings of Elisabeth Elliot, but she has clearly been paying attention
when she pointed this bit out! (She might have also found this at Amy's Humble Musings where she also blogged about this recently.)
Keep falsehood and lies far from me;
give me neither poverty nor riches,
but give me only my daily bread.
Proverbs 30:8
I do sometimes I would get overwhelmed with everything I have to do. I've been feeling a bit like that recently. Work is crazily busy and I have to work every second weekend. The way doctors are trained is being changed in August so there is a lot of uncertainty about our job situation for next year - they are expecting 20,000 doctors to be unemployed in the UK! Already many of my friends have moved to Australia and New Zealand because they can't get work here. I'm not entirely sure what my future holds at all so I am trying to see this as an exciting, rather than a terrifying and unsetlling, time!
I shared this with a close friend and sister in Christ. She has only just been introduced to the wonderful writings of Elisabeth Elliot, but she has clearly been paying attention

I had learned a principle from my mother many years before: Do the next thing. And it is wonderful how simple it is when we just do the next thing.That's all we need to - just to do the next thing. We are not given our life's plan, probably because it would overwhelm us more, but just asked to live day by day, asking for our daily bread, asking for forgiveness daily, studying the Bible daily, letting tomorrow worry about itself and taking up our crosses daily. I really do believe this; I just need to act like I do!
Keep falsehood and lies far from me;
give me neither poverty nor riches,
but give me only my daily bread.
Proverbs 30:8
Labels: consider your ways, faith, quotations, work
"Just do the next thing." I am going to hold on to that for awhile. It seems life has gotten so terribly overwhelming.
But, all I need to focus on, all I need to take care of... is to do the next thing.
Thanks for this piece of advice and encouragement! I needed it today!!
I am so glad that it has been helpful to you. I need to keep this in mind every day too!
You and your family are daily in my prayers.
Keziah x
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