Tuesday, January 16, 2007
The Day the Lord has Made

For being someone who normally carefully considers things and never makes a rash decision, yesterday I behaved rather out of character.
On Friday, we were sent our rotas for the next few months and I was delighted to notice that I had been given 2 weeks off in a row in late Spring. Yesterday during lunch I suddenly decided that I should go away somewhere.
Like a revelation while eating my soup, I reflected on the benefits of not being married or having children and that I can just decide to go abroad without reference to others and with minimal fuss. I hope to get married some day, so I decided that I might as well grab these opportunities when they come, rather than, as in the Colin Hay song, "waiting for my real life to begin".
I spent the afternoon looking at adventure holidays on the Internet (my junior doctor was not busy either so I didn't feel too bad about it!), and then sorted out a trip to Morocco to visit Marrakesh and climb Mount Toubkal, which at 14,700 feet is the highest peak in North Africa! I've never even been to the cinema on my own, so I don't really know what I am doing going on holiday by myself but I am really excited. (To my mother's relief, I am going to be part of a small group in Morocco.)
But, I think it is important to try not to be one of these people who doesn't begin to live their real lives until marriage or acts like life doesn't begin until after marriage. Whether it is not buying our own homes, not buying nice crockery and glassware, not going on holiday, not taking part in church family activities, it is easy not to act in anticipation of doing these with someone. We act like our single life is just a "holding room", that we are treading water until someone rescues us. I think I will be a more interesting and well-rounded wife, mother, friend and doctor for travelling so it will have benefits for my future life whatever that brings - and I'll have some amazing photos to share with you in just a few months!
Photos © Lonely Planet Images (Photographers: Christine Osborne, David Wall)
This is the day that the Lord has made;
let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24
On Friday, we were sent our rotas for the next few months and I was delighted to notice that I had been given 2 weeks off in a row in late Spring. Yesterday during lunch I suddenly decided that I should go away somewhere.
Like a revelation while eating my soup, I reflected on the benefits of not being married or having children and that I can just decide to go abroad without reference to others and with minimal fuss. I hope to get married some day, so I decided that I might as well grab these opportunities when they come, rather than, as in the Colin Hay song, "waiting for my real life to begin".

But, I think it is important to try not to be one of these people who doesn't begin to live their real lives until marriage or acts like life doesn't begin until after marriage. Whether it is not buying our own homes, not buying nice crockery and glassware, not going on holiday, not taking part in church family activities, it is easy not to act in anticipation of doing these with someone. We act like our single life is just a "holding room", that we are treading water until someone rescues us. I think I will be a more interesting and well-rounded wife, mother, friend and doctor for travelling so it will have benefits for my future life whatever that brings - and I'll have some amazing photos to share with you in just a few months!
Photos © Lonely Planet Images (Photographers: Christine Osborne, David Wall)
This is the day that the Lord has made;
let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24
Labels: singleness
Wow! That is so exciting and so amazing! I wish I had the opportunity to travel like that. Someday! :-) I can't wait to see your pictures!
Good for you Keziah. My daughter is 28 and single. This past summer she purchased her own home. She had been saving for years, living in a small apartment so that she would have money for a good down payment. (She is an editor). It is a beautiful little house, and she is so delighted with it.
She also travels alone. I, like you mother, was so nervous when she did - but she is a very sensible young woman and had eveything under control.
She would like to marry some day, but she is no rush. She is thoroughly enjoying this time of her life.
And so should you. It sounds like a wonderful trip.
Good on you! Your trip sounds so exotic - I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time.
OH.MY.GOSH. I can't BELIEVE you're going to Morocco! I am trying REAL hard to get there this year, hoping to go in October. That is brilliant...you can scope it out for me! :D Toooooo baaaad that we can't go at the same time. :( That would be awesome...
I am so excited about it - but still can't believe I am actually going through with this! Still it is all paid for, so I can't back out!
Linda - I maybe need to put you in touch with my mum! I haven't lived at home since I was 18, but she still gets terribly worried about me. If she had her way, I wouldn't do anything at all scary, whereas my dad encourages me to do everything that comes my way - hopefully they balance each other out.
Kirsty - I'll check out all the good places for you and bore you with hundreds of photos on my return! It would have been great to go at the same time.
Anytime anyone is visiting this part of the world - let me know! You are always welcome in Scotland!
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