Monday, January 15, 2007
You are Not of the World

Another Christian Union is hitting the news in the United Kingdom. After Edinburgh University's Christian Union were banned running the Pure course on relationships, Exeter University's Christian Union has been suspended from the students' association, banned from university property and had their bank account frozen.
Their crime? Asking members to sign a declaration of their faith in Jesus Christ as their Lord, Saviour and God and asking committee members to sign a fuller statement of belief. (Read the full story and statements from both the Student Guild and Christian Union at the BBC.)
The Student Guild claims that it is trying to protect "equal opportunities" because the Evangelical Christian Union will only allow evangelical Christians to hold positions of leadership, although meetings are open to everyone to attend. The Christian Union replies that, "Obviously going to court is the last thing we want to do but we feel that our fundamental right to freedom of expression, belief and association are being threatened here." (Later, the Student Guild apparently lifted the ban although this has yet to be confirmed.)
Exeter joins a long list of Christian Unions forcibly disassociated from the Students' Association, including the CU at my own university, but the first one to pursue this as far as the High Court. They are being supported by a number of eminent church leaders, including Lord Carey, and the current Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams.
Along with many others, I worry that this is evidence of the continued erosion of Christian values in this country and increasing intolerance of the Christian faith under the masquerade of equal opportunities and political correctness. We need to support these organisations practically and in prayer as a matter of urgency rather than just accept this slide into secular fundamentalism.
If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.
John 15:19
Their crime? Asking members to sign a declaration of their faith in Jesus Christ as their Lord, Saviour and God and asking committee members to sign a fuller statement of belief. (Read the full story and statements from both the Student Guild and Christian Union at the BBC.)
The Student Guild claims that it is trying to protect "equal opportunities" because the Evangelical Christian Union will only allow evangelical Christians to hold positions of leadership, although meetings are open to everyone to attend. The Christian Union replies that, "Obviously going to court is the last thing we want to do but we feel that our fundamental right to freedom of expression, belief and association are being threatened here." (Later, the Student Guild apparently lifted the ban although this has yet to be confirmed.)
Exeter joins a long list of Christian Unions forcibly disassociated from the Students' Association, including the CU at my own university, but the first one to pursue this as far as the High Court. They are being supported by a number of eminent church leaders, including Lord Carey, and the current Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams.
Along with many others, I worry that this is evidence of the continued erosion of Christian values in this country and increasing intolerance of the Christian faith under the masquerade of equal opportunities and political correctness. We need to support these organisations practically and in prayer as a matter of urgency rather than just accept this slide into secular fundamentalism.
If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.
John 15:19
What a powerful article Keziah! It is so important that Christians support other Christians and Christianity based orgazination because the world certainly supports its own.
*Sighs* I attended Exeter CU a fewtimes, although my college was on the other side of town.
It may not primarily be seen as an issue with Christianity, but it is. Equal ops just give an 'acceptable' mask to it all. Would an ahteistic society want a creationist on its board? No. Would a faith school want a humanist deciding its curriculum? NO. Why is there a problem with those running a society bein those who actually believe what the society holds to?.....No, I don't get it either. I have a sneaky suspicion someone wanting to get onto an evangelical CU board who was not a believer may have dubious intentions.............but low and behold, protection is not allowed.
No wonder creation is groaning for the return of the Lord. I surely am!
This is so interesting Keziah. The same thing is happening here in the states. The legal battles are ongoing, and the portrayal of fundamental Christians in the media horrific. You are right - we absolutely need to pray.
Wow - that is insane. Thank you for sharing this information my friend! Isn't it amazing how Christians are being attacked while other groups are being given privlidges that the Lord has not given them permission to have? Ill be praying!
Thanks for your comments and your prayers. I'll keep you updated.
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