Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Press On Toward the Goal

2007 is going to be an exciting year. I have no idea where I will be and what I will be doing in August, never mind this time next year. Thankfully, I know that my life will not come to together by coincidences and random events, but instead has been lovingly planned by a God who has plans for wholeness and not for evil, to give me a future and a hope. Whatever happens, I want to grow more and more in my relationship with and in my knowledge of God, and to walk with the Lord daily and in everything I do.
While reflecting on the past year and on the year ahead, I have decided to set myself some goals to help me focus and to have some accountability for my part in my growth over the next year. If I tell you about them, I'd better have a good excuse for not keeping them!
That said some of them might not be as important by the end of the year although I have tried to pick goals that will be good for me wherever I am and whatever is happening in my life.
It is also interesting to look back at previous goals to see what was important to me at the time and if I achieved them. While sorting through a box of school stuff, I found an old diary from 1995. My list of goals for before I was 25, ten years later, included becoming a doctor (done), having long hair (quite embarrassing this is in the same league as the last one but it has been done), getting my name into listings of the Radio Times (done) and being in a musical in the main theatre in my city (not done and I'm fine with that!).
My goals for 2007 are to:
While reflecting on the past year and on the year ahead, I have decided to set myself some goals to help me focus and to have some accountability for my part in my growth over the next year. If I tell you about them, I'd better have a good excuse for not keeping them!
That said some of them might not be as important by the end of the year although I have tried to pick goals that will be good for me wherever I am and whatever is happening in my life.
It is also interesting to look back at previous goals to see what was important to me at the time and if I achieved them. While sorting through a box of school stuff, I found an old diary from 1995. My list of goals for before I was 25, ten years later, included becoming a doctor (done), having long hair (quite embarrassing this is in the same league as the last one but it has been done), getting my name into listings of the Radio Times (done) and being in a musical in the main theatre in my city (not done and I'm fine with that!).
My goals for 2007 are to:
- Read through the whole Bible - I've done this once before in a year and found it very helpful to get everything in context and to see the Bible as a whole, rather than in fragmented pieces. I'm currently swithering (admittedly a bit late in the day!) between Robert Murray McCheyne's plan or reading through the Bible chronologically.
- Memorise key Scripture - The publishers of the ESV Bible have a year's Scripture memorisation plan that covers the basics of Christianity with one passage for every week.
- Learn a question from the Shorter Catechism every week - I think we have lost a great part of our heritage and a wonderful opportunity to learn basic tenets of faith when we stopped catechising children in Sunday school. I didn't go to Sunday school myself so I have decided to start learning them.
- Practise hospitality more purposefully - Carolyn McCulley wrote a great article on this a few days ago. I'll write more about this, but I wanted to recommend it straight away.
- Start singing lessons again - I used to do so much more singing when I was at university, but stopped when I started work. Having got my postgraduate exams out of the way, I should be able to find the time to do something I love.
- Use it up, Wear it out, Make it do, Do without - I want to join the ladies of blogland, led by Sallie, in Celebrating a Year of Abundance.
- Keep blogging - I never intended to start blogging at the beginning of the year but somehow fell into it. I have loved it though and really feel that I have grown from the discipline of writing and from the writings and fellowship over the internet of believers all over the world.
Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own. Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 3:12-14
Labels: accountability, bible study, catechism, scripture memory
I've enjoyed reading your goals and find some to be my desires that I did not list.
Blessings to you in the coming year and always.
"Delight yourself in the Lord; and He will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He will do it." Psm. 37:4,5
I like your goal to memorize questions and answers from the Shorter Catechism.
At the rate of one a week . . you'd be done in two years!! :)
I'm so glad that some of these resources will be helpful to others. I have enjoyed so much everyone else's goals and desires for the coming year.
lrlwreath - If you ever achieve your dream of visiting Scotland, do let me know! Everybody's welcome here!
Your goals are very inspiring. I think memorizing scripture is such a wonderful thing to do. It comes so much harder these days - but I try every now and then. I'd like to read the catchism. I went to sunday school but never knew of it. I think we are losing a lot of the things that made our faith so dear (I think of the old hymns).
I'm so glad I found your blog. It will be fun to continue this journey all together.
Those are some great goals. I may have to borrow a few :) Thank you for those resources. I am definitely going to take a look at them. I haven't decided what Bible plan I want to adhere to yet, but soon, soon!
Happy New Year, sis!
Christ alone,
Memorization is one of my goals as well. Thank you for the link!
Blessings in 2007 from Lancashire (but I'd live in Scotland if I could ;))
Keziah, I've never met you, but by your spirit, I know you are beautiful...thank you for blessing me this year with your kindness.
I love your goals - they are obviously well thought out and grounded. I'm joining you and Amanda in reading through the entire Bible this year...admittedly I've never done this before (attempted several times).
God Bless you this new year!
I loved reading what your goals are because they really made me think. I may have to steal of few of them for myself! I hope that 2007 brings you great joy and peace in Christ!
All theft of goals is very welcome! I'm just glad to have been able to point some people in the direction of some useful websites.
MiPa - it's a hard truth that everyone in England wishes they could live in Scotland! ;-)
Thanks for this wonderful content, i appreciate the effort
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